Graphic design & Art Direction

You In?


lululemon summer '17

Lululemon’s 2017 Summer Seasonal was the first seasonal lululemon history that was briefed in as a digital marketing campaign. The goal was to create inspirational seasonal content that provides a red thread for all digital product storytelling over the summer and drive new guest traffic to the website.


You In?

Our chosen concept was titled: You In? We don’t want summer to end because of the company we spend it with—our endless summer is rooted in togetherness. We wanted our guest to feel like they were part of lululemon’s summer.


art direction

Our approach was to show up as a friend, inviting our guest into our summer moments, and show up as a participant in theirs. We created this feeling with an invitational tone of voice that felt like opening a conversation and visuals that were shot intimately and with some camera awareness.


Campaign Film

Our film was the glue that needed to encompass everything that goes into a sweaty social summer. We created a quick cut sizzle real as an filmed in a very hand-held way to ensure our personal, friendly feeling would be captured authentically. 


Digital Marketing

We created an email and paid display program for various demographics that were catered to they’re preferred activity, the way they purchase and the type of product they purchase most. We created everything from activity emails, abandon cart emails, activity based emails and product specific emails. 


Social Media

We provided out social team with the shots our guest engaged with most. While this was still digital marketing, we wanted the experience to feel organic and personal. 



Our website got a complete overhaul and was skinned with our summer seasonal imagery so that no matter where the guest entered from, they experienced a continuation of the conversation


Design and Art Direction: Shinead D'Souza, Claire Tam // Creative Direction: Stephanie Chan, Talia Cohen // Photography: Miles Clark , Colin Adair // Film: Jon Chiang, Stuart Gillies // Styling: Alexie Gray, Nina Visjnic // Producers: Annalise Deboer, Ruby Vizcarra // Writing: Cayley Thiessen, Leila Nadery // Music: Francis Arevalo, Roya Bennett